BRCA in the Ashkenazi Jewish Population

BRCA in the Ashkenazi Jewish Population

My next VIP Mutant, Charlie Morgan talks about the prevalence of the BRCA mutation within the Ashkenazi Jewish population. She also considers how this has impacted her as a Jewish woman. Charlie has been working incredibly hard in the BRCA community to raise...
Being a BRCA Mum

Being a BRCA Mum

My next VIP Mutant, Lisa Bancroft, @my_BRCA1 talks about her journey as a BRCA Mum. She opens up about her feelings towards her daughter having a 50% chance of inheriting the gene, and her options for future children. Over to you Lisa, what’s it like being a...
Pumping up Kim’s Foobs

Pumping up Kim’s Foobs

VIP Mutant Kim @NipplesOptional had her preventative mastectomy in 2019. With advice and guidance from her surgeon she decided to have under the muscle, expander implants as a reconstruction. I caught up with Kim to discuss how she found the operation and recovery...
Boobs Voyage… They’ll have to go!

Boobs Voyage… They’ll have to go!

My next VIP Mutant, Jo Pratt, was indeed my first BRCA Buddy. A Brit Expat living in Florida, Jo demonstrated to me that BRCA and friendship knows no bounds. She shares her experiences of testing positive for BRCA and swiftly opting for the chop. Jo, thank you a...