How You Can Help

Donations (keep scrolling if you’re penniless)

Here at BRCA+ Chat we are run by volunteers and have lots of kind humans helping us for free. However, as we grow we have more demand and require more funds.

We are so grateful for any penny that comes our way. Thank you in advance, you are truly wonderful and your donations will change and save lives.

Where Do Your Donations Go?

Future Aspirations

We currently do lots of these things for free and are limited in terms of how we can grow. Our team are also all volunteers and we would LOVE to eventually recruit to help the general running of BRCA+ Chat.

No Monies? There's heaps of other ways you can support us!

Sharing Is Caring

Share your journey via a blog (or social media post)! We are always looking for people with different experiences to tell their stories. It can really help others feel less alone in their struggles.

If you would like to get in touch, simply email us at, or send us a DM on our Instagram 






Do you want to run meet ups in your area? Become one of our BRCA Babes! (starting in 2024). 

What are your skills? Can you help in any way? (yes, we would love some home made nipple tassles). 

Are you a digital designer, and think our website is naff – cool, help us out.

Student Internships

Are you a university student looking for somewhere to do your work placement? If you’d like to help us with digital marketing, social media, copywriting, or anything else you think could help, get in touch!



You might not have the monies, but your pals might (haha) from running a bake sale to running a 100k ultra marathon – there’s plenty of ways to fundraise. Contact us for more ideas.

