Mastectomy Musings

Mastectomy Musings

Our lovely Anonymous Previvor shares her mastectomy journey with us. Over the muscle, 6 months post op, age 39. Thank you!I found the decision to have a...

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3D Nipple Tattoos

3D Nipple Tattoos

Christen (our co-founder), speaks to us about her decision to have nipple tattoos. She says why, 2.5 years post-op, she finally felt she was ready, and what...

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Skin Melanoma, BRCA & Me

Skin Melanoma, BRCA & Me

Sam's Blog Part One. Wonderful Sam is BRCA+, unbeknownst to her, the first indicator of this was skin melanoma. Sam wants to raise awareness about the links...

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Dear Future Me

Dear Future Me

Pauline Williams (our BRCA Chatter's Mum) died from Ovarian Cancer 7 years ago. She loved to write, especially letters to her Future Me. At her funeral, this...

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