Anon #37

BRCA2 Gene Alteration

Age: 30

Implants:  205cc, round, OTM implants

Surgery details: Preventative double mastectomy, direct-to-implant surgery

“Finding out I had BRCA2 at the age of 27 was a huge shock since no one in my family had breast or ovarian cancer at that time. Initially I was devastated with the news and the impact it would have on my family, but now I feel so lucky and empowered to have this knowledge.


I was scared before my op but am so happy with the results 3 months in (and now even enjoy sleeping on my back!!).


Thank you to the incredible BRCA chat community for making this journey so much easier and less scary – you guys are amazing!! ❤️”

3 months post-op

Age 30
