Anonymous #39
BRCA2 Gene Alteration
Age: 58
Implants: Over the muscle, nipple sparing with tear drop, Mentor gel breast implant cohesive 111 ,low height, moderate plus profile.
Surgery details: Preventative double mastectomy, direct-to-implant surgery.
Complications: Complications at 7 weeks post-op. Left implant removed and replaced with a permanent expander. (Yet to be filled)
“Unfortunately, after 7 weeks due to tissue not healing properly, I lost one of the implants. I’ve had it replaced with a permanent expander, which has a gel front to match my other side but an empty rear pocket. When the wound has healed, they will fill the back section with saline via an under skin port just below the expander until it’s pushed forward to match the other side. I will then need the port removing and nipple recon or 3d tattoo.
Do I regret my decision? Definitely not. For me, it was the anxiety of the mammograms and MRIs. I know I will get there it’s just going to take a bit longer than expected.”