Dear Future Me

Dear Future Me

Pauline Williams (our BRCA Chatter’s Mum) died from Ovarian Cancer 7 years ago. She loved to write, especially letters to her Future Me. At her funeral, this one was printed for all to read. We think we can all take some life lessons from Pauline. XxX Exerts...
Becoming the Mother of a BRCA Mutant

Becoming the Mother of a BRCA Mutant

Sophie, is our co-founder Lisa’s mum. We know she is a super special human for raising our Lisa. Sophie opens up about her feelings around her daughter’s BRCA diagnosis. It is beautiful and raw, and speaks volumes to all.   In July 2019My daughter phoned...
Mastectomy Mummy’s Route to Previve

Mastectomy Mummy’s Route to Previve

VIP Mutant Vicki talks about having a mastectomy, whilst juggling Mummy-hood. We chat about timings, how she prepared her kids for the mastectomy and what her recovery was like. Check her Instagram out on @Route_to_Previve Thanks so much to Vicki for being so open an...
BRCA in the Ashkenazi Jewish Population

BRCA in the Ashkenazi Jewish Population

My next VIP Mutant, Charlie Morgan talks about the prevalence of the BRCA mutation within the Ashkenazi Jewish population. She also considers how this has impacted her as a Jewish woman. Charlie has been working incredibly hard in the BRCA community to raise...