Free my Foobs Instagram

Free my Foobs Instagram

Please get behind the campaign #FreeFoobs. It is not ok to censor breast cancer prevention in the name of sexual activity and nudity.  Dear Instagram, It is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. You have just removed an image of my mastectomy due to “sexual activity and...
The Ponders of The Boobless Wonder

The Ponders of The Boobless Wonder

VIP Mutant Gabbie shares her experiences of having a mastectomy without a reconstruction. We explore why she opted for no recon, and how she’s adapted to life without boobs. Spoiler Alert… she’s doing fine. MORE than fine, she’s owning it....
Creating Beautiful Mastectomy Lingerie

Creating Beautiful Mastectomy Lingerie

Introducing my first VIP Mutant, Eleanor – Founder of Valiant Lingerie. Eleanor has been on a remarkable journey over the last year developing and designing beautiful lingerie for post-mastectomy women. Take it away Eleanor:   For almost a year now I’ve been...